

Healthy Body

3 Quick and Creative Ideas To Show Appreciation

2 min read

Showing appreciation to friends, family, and co-workers is honorable, and sharing gratitude on a regular basis can be incredibly rewarding. Thanking an individual for a kind gesture or action, celebrating a special occasion, or simply reminding that person that he or she is loved and valued can significantly brighten anyone’s day. Here are three creative ideas for showing appreciation to someone special.

Personal Messages of Gratefulness

It’s fast and easy to send a text message, post a note on social media, or write an email expressing thankfulness, and such acts of kindness are gifts themselves. In addition to a text message or an email, consider a handwritten letter or card. In today’s digital world, it can be refreshing for an individual to receive a personally crafted note, which may feel more personal and thoughtful than a text message.

Tasty Treats

Another creative and simple idea to show thankfulness is delivering a nice gift, such as flowers or candy. Consider surprising loved ones or friends by sending delicious candy gift baskets to their home or office, along with a note acknowledging your appreciation of them. Most candy baskets can be customized to avoid allergens and indulge even the pickiest sweet tooth, and with a variety of sizes available, they don’t have to break the bank.

The Classic Phone Call

Making the time to call a friend or partner and talking on the phone for a few minutes may change the course of one’s day. Life and work tend to become hectic. However, taking a couple of minutes to dial up a friend and ask how things are going, as well as thank him or her for being your friend, can lead to smiles all around. In fact, gratitude has lots of benefits beyond creating smiles.

Showing appreciation to others with a thoughtful demonstration of thankfulness can go a very long way. These ideas are a few great ways to start sharing lots of happiness.